Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Separation Anxiety

Well, I'm not sure who has worse separation anxiety, myself or Caitlin. I have gone back to work, currently part time, and have been putting Caitlin in daycare this week. Yesterday she apparently cried all day, except for when she was in her crib. That must have been her safe haven. Today, she screamed out for me when I dropped her off, which in turn had me break down in tears while in the daycare. When I picked her up she was playing in her highchair and they said she did a lot better then yesterday. It is very hard to have made this decision to go back to work, but I'm hoping it'll all work out. So far I really enjoy my job and the people I work with, I just feel bad for little Caitlin being in a strange environment. I start full time January 2nd, so please wish us both much happiness!


Yvonne Crawford said...

Oh I didn't realize you were starting already. How is it? What do you do exactly? After a week or so write a post about it so we can hear all about it. :)

Good luck. If it makes you feel any better. Callum cried about going to preschool today. Wait maybe that wouldn't...anyways...his rational was "You aren't working today, why do I have to go." "Because Mommy paid for it" didn't work so well.

Lori said...

Poor little kiddies. My heart breaks for them, and for the Mom's who can't help but feal guilty. On the plus side, it is my belife that if children are too sheltered then they end up on the timid side and not as able to take care of themselves on the outside world. I think being around other adults and children better prepares them for life in the long run.

Ana said...

I know exactly how you feel, but remember that it's a big change for both of you. She will be fine, I know she will be. I think Corbin is going to miss the ladies in there, they are great.

Let me know how are you both adapting to daycare. As I told you I cried when I put them in and I cried on their last day...silly mommy!

Linda Storey said...

Thanks for the encouraging words guys. Today she didn't do as bad when I dropped her off, so here's hoping! Ana, Caitlin has Corbin's bed. How sweet... They miss Corbin and we miss you already!