Saturday, March 29, 2008


Steve and I got tickets to see The Dave Matthews band play July 4th at the baseball stadium in Charleston. WE ARE TOO COOL FOR WORDS!!! It's going to be a blast!
The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the traffic. :( BOOOOOO!!!
Wonder if I'll be able to find a sitter....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

At The Beach - Father and Daughter

I had surgery last week, so my parents came to help Steve take care of Caitlin and I, while I recouperated from the surgery. THANKS MOM AND DAD!!! I was in bed until yesterday with severe headaches. Not so fun! Everyday get's better though and I was very grateful to have my parents here. While they were here, my dad and Steve took Caitlin to the beach. Here are some great photos my dad took. Looks like a fun day out!

Looking at a kite go by

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The surgery today went fine! Caitlin was in and out in less than a half hour. She was very upset when she awoke from the surgery, but by the time we got home she was up to her old shannanigans. That being, playing in the fireplace, digging dirt out of our plants, climbing into cabinets, etc. You would never know she had anything done this morning!

Since I haven't blogged in so long, I have a few pictures to post. Here are the one's from the themed birthday party we went to for our friend Jim. It was a casino 1928 themed party. We had a great time playing blackjack. I won BIG! However, it was just for fun.

Steve playing black jack. I just love the fake moustache, but not enough to have him grow one!

Here's Steve and I all dressed up and ready to go. I'm fairly sure the babysitter wanted to go to a themed Casino party after she saw us getting ready to go. She said it looked like fun and so it was!
This past weekend Steve took Caitlin to his friend John's house. They have 6 horses, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and a bird. Needless to say, that is Caitlin heaven! She was not afraid of the horses and Steve said he kept having to pull her away from them. I got to stay at home and do errands. Also, I got my hair done. Linda's heaven!

Caitlin making friends with the horse. This child has no fear!

Caitlin practising on the saddle. Steve said he had to pull her off and that she started crying, because she did not want to get off of it. I think we have a rider folks!

If mommy was on this trip do you think this photo would ever have occured? NO WAY! What was hubby thinking putting a 1 year old on a huge horse? This was not a pony!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Tubes Tomorrow

Caitlin will have tubes put in her ears at 7:30 am tomorrow. I'm hoping I'm doing the right thing. I just want her to feel good and hear properly. Please all pray for my little girl tomorrow. I'm sure she'll be fine, but it never hurts, right?!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Tired Out Mommy

Here's a little update. Caitlin has had 5 ear infections since mid-December, so we finally went to an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist today. This after visiting her pediatrician 3 times last week. Well, sure enough Caitlin needs tubes in her ears. The surgery will be next Tuesday, March 11th. I think Tuesday is the 11th? I'll post the results of the surgery next week.

On a happier note, Steve and I have been quite the social butterfly's this past week. We went to see Lord of the Dance on Tuesday and LOVED IT! We now want to go see more shows when they come in to Charleston, which I think is rare. We also went to a 1928 themed Casino Party. That was a great time. I learned how to play black jack and won big time! Unfortunately, it was just for fun and no real money was won. We did win two door prizes! I have photos of us all dressed up, but I'll have to post later when I have more time and energy.