Friday, January 18, 2008

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse...

I got a Stomach flu!!! Yesterday not even water would stay down! Today, I'm perfectly fine. How does that happen? I was laughing to myself, because I can't believe the Storey germ fest that's been going on since mid-December. Soooo unlike us! I can sum it up in one word. Daycare. Caitlin was sent home yesterday too, since her medicine has been giving her tummy issues.

Just when you think I'm never going to post anything good, here it is! I'm going to be an Aunt again! HOORAY! My brother and his wife have received a referral for a baby boy from Taiwan. Nothing is ever set in stone, but I'm going to be positive! They've been working on this adoption for a year I think. This is wonderful news!

Look at this sweet little guy!


Yvonne Crawford said...

Feel better soon!

What a cute little nephew you will have. :)

And you have another handsome nephew and beautiful niece already!!


Linda Storey said...

That's why I'm so excited. My nephew and niece that I have now are so sweet and loving that I can't wait for the third!