Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Caitlin's First Hair Cut

Better late than never?

Well, here's the first hair cut photos that I took a month ago. It's been awhile since I've had the time to post something, but I'm at home right now while new bathroom vinyl is being installed, so here it is!

I was all nervous about Caitlin's first hair cut, but they say nothing goes as you expect and they're right! Caitlin did not cry at all. She made faces, but didn't cry. She was really good! I think it helped that we went to a place that is for kids. She got to sit in a pink car that had a steering wheel and a big mirror in front to look at herself. In case my nephew is reading this, they have cars and planes for both girls and boys! Although, Grandpa tells me that Callum goes to a place for big boys and adults and is extremely well behaved when he gets his hair cut!

Here are the photos.

Ok, so now that I see the photos I'm guessing that the pacifier might have helped the non-crying thing!


Yvonne Crawford said...

I like that last picture the best! :) So sweet!

Lori said...

That is really cute. I really miss the high speed internet. The only picture to download was the last one, the rest are just little squares with a red x in them. At least we got the one. That is a milestone - the first haircut with no crying!