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Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
I put on jewelry and make up this weekend and had Steve take a photo, because I barely get to do either of those things very much anymore. I'd like it documented that once a month I try to blow dry my hair! If I wear jewelry, Caitlin tries to eat it. If I have time to put on make up and blow dry my hair, then I don't have time to sleep, read, watch tv, or post random stuff on this blog! I went to an arts and crafts exhibit with my friend Michelle and her daughter Sophia. Caitlin stayed home with Steve, because I wanted some me time. I'd like to mention that while he was watching her she had a 2 and 3/4 hour nap. NEVER happens when I'm looking after her!!

I thought this was a cute photo, so I decided to post it. She looks so innocent. This is where I got the idea for the blog title, "Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice". Notice I wrote she looks innocent... When she's not eating my jewelry, cable wire, floor dirt, straw, and poking her fingers into electric sockets she really is an innocent little girl. ;) TOO FUNNY, at this exact moment I can hear my husband saying, "No Caitlin! We do not play in the trash!"
Caitlyn is gorgeous, but where's the photo of you all dressed up?!
Yeah, where is that photo of you?
Hey that outfit looks familiar...I think your mom bought it for Mia?? Gotta love hand me downs. :)
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