Our house is still a work in progress and poor Steve is the one doing most of the work now. I look after the tyke, which I might add is work in itself, but always rewarding! This weekend we bought some shrubbery to make our driveway round-about look all pretty. I wanted a palm that resembled a pineapple, but we could only afford the small one. It'll grow!!! A big one is over a thousand dollars! Who knew?! Steve has been busy working to build a fence around our a/c unit. We got a "you're in violation" note from our Home Owners Association that we needed one, but yet we had a permit from them to build one. IDIOTS! I worked on painting it today. It has a lot of little places tucked away that need paint and it's quite tricky. Hence, you'll see it half finished in the photo. Perhaps we'll get another nasty-gram from the HOA saying you need to paint the entire fence around your a/c unit...blah, blah, blah, Code 145, blah, blah, blah....

See the half painted fence? Do you know the shrub lady told me I could put Christmas lights on that palm? Total selling point for me!!! Ummm, I somehow don't think she meant this year.

I picked out this doorbell. Pineapples are a big thing in South Carolina, because they are a welcoming symbol. Something about how if a pineapple was outside your home it meant you were accepting visitors? Anyhoo, I thought this doorbell was cool!
My first thought - wow that looks really nice.
My 2nd thought - wow that looks like it cost some dough.
That does not look like the same house I stayed at in August. Bizarre.
It was cheap! The pineapple doorbell was only $7!
You can't beat that!!! But I was more talking about the siding. :)
Wow, that looks really nice! And now I won't have leaves falling on my car.
Do you have another doorbell "skin" that you can use when your guests overstay their welcome, because I understand that the pineapples are taken in when it is time for the guests to leave;)
And Happy Thanksgiving also, to all of you!
Hey do you know there is a lindastory.blogspot.com and a lindacrawford.blogspot.com. Thank God you got married and your last name is storey not story. Sorry I just thought it was funny. Aren't I Chatty cathy on this blog!
GET OFF MY BLOG!!! Just kiddin'! The siding was worth the moolah, 'cause the house no longer leaks!
Story or Storey, I'm sure Caitlin will still be the butt of some bad jokes at school!
I love the photos of your house! It's great to see what life is like in the USA. A very different style to the places down under. I like it! I think the palm is a Phoenix robellini ... are you impressed with the knowledge I've picked up from Damon about palm trees! Before I met him, I thought pineapples grew in palm trees!
Pineapples don't grown in palm trees?
Hi Linda,
Loved looking at your blog,and also Yvonnes. Lovely to see the little kids and the big ones too.
Loved the pineapple door bell, would like one myself.
Happy Christmas to you all.
Love Jeannette and Andrew x x x
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