Sophia gave me a great laugh before dinner last night. She is 7 months older than Caitlin, which makes her 16 months old I think. Anyway, she wanted to sit in Caitlin's portable high chair. I asked her where's Caitlin going to sit, thinking that she would not understand that question, but she pointed to her own high chair. I'm learning that babies are much smarter than I think they are. I couldn't believe it and had a great laugh over the fact that Sophia who is a baby herself, was smart enough to know that she wanted to sit in Caitlin's chair and that Caitlin could sit in her chair. She pointed so matter of fact like too! Maybe you had to be there, but it was funny.

Looks like Caitlin's hair is really getting thick. She looks really cute in that 2nd picture.
Thanks for the prayers, Brian's interview went well yesterday.
Love the long thin feet! She is soooo cute!
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