Here's Caitlin at the Christmas Tree! You can tell what word she likes saying the most. ;)-
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
My computer has been on the fritz, so I haven't been able to post. We bought a nice new computer last night, so expect lots of pics and news soon!
Thanks Von, for resisting the temptation of posting that I'm a dork! I'd better change my password!
Thanks Von, for resisting the temptation of posting that I'm a dork! I'd better change my password!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A Balloon to Be Thankful For!

Caitlin's first Thanksgiving was a great one! She got her first balloon from a grocery store clerk and was quite excited about it. They even gave her a fancy Thanksgiving themed one. She was absolutely loving the balloon all day.

We ate dinner at a friend's house. This is actually the 3rd year in a row that we've gone to the Silva's for Thanksgiving and Steve and I are thankful every year that they invite us. I always laugh that they ask me to bring sweet potato casserole, because as most should know it is not something Canadians Canada. I love it, but I'd never even heard of it before moving to the Southern part of the USA. I have no idea if the yankees eat it!
Note that my camera is not focusing. I have no idea why, so I'll have to pull out the manual. This last picture of Caitlin in her holiday dress was in focus. The fancy black shoes came off one minute after we arrived at our friend's house. She's not a shoe fan...YET! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Storey House - W.I.P.

Our house is still a work in progress and poor Steve is the one doing most of the work now. I look after the tyke, which I might add is work in itself, but always rewarding! This weekend we bought some shrubbery to make our driveway round-about look all pretty. I wanted a palm that resembled a pineapple, but we could only afford the small one. It'll grow!!! A big one is over a thousand dollars! Who knew?! Steve has been busy working to build a fence around our a/c unit. We got a "you're in violation" note from our Home Owners Association that we needed one, but yet we had a permit from them to build one. IDIOTS! I worked on painting it today. It has a lot of little places tucked away that need paint and it's quite tricky. Hence, you'll see it half finished in the photo. Perhaps we'll get another nasty-gram from the HOA saying you need to paint the entire fence around your a/c unit...blah, blah, blah, Code 145, blah, blah, blah....

See the half painted fence? Do you know the shrub lady told me I could put Christmas lights on that palm? Total selling point for me!!! Ummm, I somehow don't think she meant this year.

I picked out this doorbell. Pineapples are a big thing in South Carolina, because they are a welcoming symbol. Something about how if a pineapple was outside your home it meant you were accepting visitors? Anyhoo, I thought this doorbell was cool!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Best Buds!
Caitlin and Sophia have known each other since before birth, so in my opinion that makes them best buddies! They had a play date and dinner together last night, which went very well. There was no fighting over toys. They wanted whatever the other person had, but didn't get mad at each other when one pulled the toy away. Interesting... I wonder how long that will last.
Sophia gave me a great laugh before dinner last night. She is 7 months older than Caitlin, which makes her 16 months old I think. Anyway, she wanted to sit in Caitlin's portable high chair. I asked her where's Caitlin going to sit, thinking that she would not understand that question, but she pointed to her own high chair. I'm learning that babies are much smarter than I think they are. I couldn't believe it and had a great laugh over the fact that Sophia who is a baby herself, was smart enough to know that she wanted to sit in Caitlin's chair and that Caitlin could sit in her chair. She pointed so matter of fact like too! Maybe you had to be there, but it was funny.
Sophia gave me a great laugh before dinner last night. She is 7 months older than Caitlin, which makes her 16 months old I think. Anyway, she wanted to sit in Caitlin's portable high chair. I asked her where's Caitlin going to sit, thinking that she would not understand that question, but she pointed to her own high chair. I'm learning that babies are much smarter than I think they are. I couldn't believe it and had a great laugh over the fact that Sophia who is a baby herself, was smart enough to know that she wanted to sit in Caitlin's chair and that Caitlin could sit in her chair. She pointed so matter of fact like too! Maybe you had to be there, but it was funny.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
I put on jewelry and make up this weekend and had Steve take a photo, because I barely get to do either of those things very much anymore. I'd like it documented that once a month I try to blow dry my hair! If I wear jewelry, Caitlin tries to eat it. If I have time to put on make up and blow dry my hair, then I don't have time to sleep, read, watch tv, or post random stuff on this blog! I went to an arts and crafts exhibit with my friend Michelle and her daughter Sophia. Caitlin stayed home with Steve, because I wanted some me time. I'd like to mention that while he was watching her she had a 2 and 3/4 hour nap. NEVER happens when I'm looking after her!!

I thought this was a cute photo, so I decided to post it. She looks so innocent. This is where I got the idea for the blog title, "Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice". Notice I wrote she looks innocent... When she's not eating my jewelry, cable wire, floor dirt, straw, and poking her fingers into electric sockets she really is an innocent little girl. ;) TOO FUNNY, at this exact moment I can hear my husband saying, "No Caitlin! We do not play in the trash!"

I thought this was a cute photo, so I decided to post it. She looks so innocent. This is where I got the idea for the blog title, "Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice". Notice I wrote she looks innocent... When she's not eating my jewelry, cable wire, floor dirt, straw, and poking her fingers into electric sockets she really is an innocent little girl. ;) TOO FUNNY, at this exact moment I can hear my husband saying, "No Caitlin! We do not play in the trash!"
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Lord of the Dance
I'm so excited, today I bought tickets to see the Lord of the Dance and got 8th row center! Woo-Hoo!!! I was online the moment the tickets went on sale. I've been wanting to see this show ever since I saw it with my mom 10 years ago. I loved it! I was so excited when I found out they were coming to Charleston (barely anything ever comes to Charleston) that I was Irish Dancing around the kitchen. For those of you who are wondering if I really know how to Irish Dance I totally do! I took lessons as a child....for a few days...maybe one day...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Lumber Jack Steve

Steve is cutting down a tree today. I think he is actually enjoying it! Ladies this is what happens when you give a man a saw, they will start cutting things down and they don't want to stop, so you have to be careful!

On a side note, we did not end up going to the Fair. The traffic was horrible and we were starving, so we went out for a nice dinner at the Crab House downtown Charleston. It was wonderful!!! I had the Alaskan King Crab legs. Soooo Good! The babysitter said that Caitlin was great and that she was a very easy going baby. Hmmm..... Why do I never meet that baby? Just kidding!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Going to the Fair
Steve and I are going to the Carolina Fair tonight. I'm nervouse and excited. I'm nervous about the babysitter. She's going to have to feed Caitlin dinner and I'm not sure how that'll go over. I'm the only one that usually feeds the little tyke. I'm excited, because I'm going to the Fair!!! No pics, because I plan on going on a ton of rides and don't want to bother with a camera!
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