Saturday, June 21, 2008

Swimming Lessons

I cropped myself out of these photos. My face had the look of fear and it was not attractive. Don't want the world to see me in a bathing suit either! Maybe next year I'll have lost the weight from having a baby. I suppose since it's been over a year I can't use that excuse, but I'm going to anyway!

You see how so NOT scared she looks. She is so adventurous! She pushes me away and tries to roll on her back. Gosh I love this kid! She cracks me up daily!

While we're on the subject of no fear of water, this is what I was the most shocked by. Caitlin ran into this fountain. Steve chased her and is holding her back from the strong rushing water coming out of the fountain. It was ice cold water, but she did not want to be taken out of it! She's making that face, because she's mad at Steve for not letting her go.

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