Monday, April 21, 2008

The Strep Family

I've been blogless lately, because I came down with a good case of strep throat. Caitlin just got diagnosed with it today. No fun! Steve's decided to go to the doctor tomorrow, because it's probably inevitable and we've got vacation coming up! We're all going to Disneyworld on Thursday. I'll need advice from my sister-in-law about going to Disney with an infant. I think she's done it at least 3 times! What I'm nervous about is the 7 hour drive. :( Other than that, I'm extremely excited.
Blog to come is Caitlin's first haircut! True bloggers take photos! Although, I guess I'm kind of slack, because I don't feel like posting them today. I'm sleepy, Caitlin's napping, so it's time to take my nap!


Yvonne Crawford said...

Disney with an infant is easy. But it's not the same disney - a totally different disney. But cooler in a different way. Car ride is the easiest part - but my kids are car kids I know a lot of kids who aren't and who would cry for those 6-7 hours. The trick to disney is that if she won't fall asleep in the stroller (which is the ideal situation) then you have to go back to your hotel and let her nap.

And you asked how I get my kids to sleep so long - Pure skill! ha!

Hope you all get well soon.

Lori said...

Hope you have a really great time. I know you are a "Disney Kid" and I am sure your daughter will be as well.