Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Early Bird Gets The Worm, But What Else?

So, for the third day in a row Caitlin has woken up at 5:30 in the morning. What is there to do at that hour? Good question!!!! In her defense, she has a very bad cold, so excessive coughing is what woke her up. The problem is, there is no medicine that I can give her. We're planning on hopefully moving to a bigger house, so what I need to do is get some boxes and start boxing things up. Although, who needs a bigger house when your baby is waking you up mucho early like this and it makes you question your desire for another! For all my friends out there having babies please remember this one thing; DAYCARE=GERMS=BABY SICK ALL THE TIME!


Yvonne Crawford said...

when do you plan on moving?

Ana said...

Just remember that it won't last takes a little time but they get better and stronger. And at times the illness seemed to bother me more than it bother them :)

Lori said...

Hope this all ends soon for you. Poor little Caitlin, and even poorer Mom and Dad.