Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Bri!

Today was my brother's birthday, so we took him to Stickey Fingers for dinner and met up with a bunch of our friends. I kept telling everyone he was 30, because that would make me 27! Some people believed it...I think...I hoped?

Brian, Josh, and Jolee

People of all ages came to celebrate! That's Deb and her son Mason. Jason's in the background.

Rhiney, Jim, and Richard

The Gang! Steve was at dinner, but for some reason he wasn't in this photo. Bathroom break perhaps? Kristyn is the 37 week pregnant female on the left. She's been on bed rest, because the baby has been trying to arrive early. She was just taken off bed rest today! Do you know how freaked we all were that she was going to go into labor while at the restaurant?! CRAZY! Although, it's a good day for Birthdays, just ask my brother!

Lemon swirl cake and Blackforest Cake. Gotta have two cakes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!!!

On another note, last night we went to an engagement party and I took a great photo of Caitlin enjoying some melba toast. Thus, I must post it here!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Caitlin Update

Caitlin is now almost a year old. Her birthday is February 4th, which we will be having a little family get together to celebrate the occassion. Be on the lookout for that post! She can now stand up holding onto things, clap, wave bye-bye, and make Indian calling sounds with her hand and mouth. The daycare is teaching her to blow kisses, but I think she finds it much cooler to add sound effects to that. She's my chatty Caitlin.

This is Caitlin taking off all her books from the bookshelf, which is her favorite thing to do! For those mom's out there worried about the shelf falling down, don't worry, we are watching her when she does this! Steve made a comment about her short little legs. That comes from me! I'm so proud. How does everyone out there like my sock selection?!

She also loves to read books. This is a video of her doing just that. If it's lift-the-flap or a touch and feel book, she'll LOVE IT! Birhtday gift hint for Grandma, Grandpa and Pa!

Fun at the Aquarium

Last Saturday, my friend Michelle and her daughter Sophia went to the aquarium with Caitlin and I. Girls day out! Caitlin and Sophia look not so impressed with the aquarium in the photos, but we're pretty sure they were having fun. When the camera wasn't on them, they were laughing and pointing at the fish.

Caitlin and Sophia at one of the fish tanks

Michelle and her daughter Sophia

Friday, January 18, 2008

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse...

I got a Stomach flu!!! Yesterday not even water would stay down! Today, I'm perfectly fine. How does that happen? I was laughing to myself, because I can't believe the Storey germ fest that's been going on since mid-December. Soooo unlike us! I can sum it up in one word. Daycare. Caitlin was sent home yesterday too, since her medicine has been giving her tummy issues.

Just when you think I'm never going to post anything good, here it is! I'm going to be an Aunt again! HOORAY! My brother and his wife have received a referral for a baby boy from Taiwan. Nothing is ever set in stone, but I'm going to be positive! They've been working on this adoption for a year I think. This is wonderful news!

Look at this sweet little guy!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


We're now onto an ear infection in both ears, which in turn has caused another situation due to the meds. The other situation is hard to write about on a blog without sounding crude. Lets just say it involves extra diapers and giving Caitlin Pedialite and bananas.
I just realized that I may not have posted all my Caitlin sickness issues. My poor child has been ill since around the 20th of December when she had her first ear infection. At that time it was only in one ear. Then it turned into a bad cold. Then, she started coughing so bad that she was sick to her stomach. Now, a double ear infection. She has yet to be well, since December 20th. Poor kid! Poor mom! Poor dad too! Steve was on Caitlin duty last night and woke up with her 3 times. Such a good hubby I have!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Early Bird Gets The Worm, But What Else?

So, for the third day in a row Caitlin has woken up at 5:30 in the morning. What is there to do at that hour? Good question!!!! In her defense, she has a very bad cold, so excessive coughing is what woke her up. The problem is, there is no medicine that I can give her. We're planning on hopefully moving to a bigger house, so what I need to do is get some boxes and start boxing things up. Although, who needs a bigger house when your baby is waking you up mucho early like this and it makes you question your desire for another! For all my friends out there having babies please remember this one thing; DAYCARE=GERMS=BABY SICK ALL THE TIME!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm Exhausted

Let me just say that it is so hard working and taking care of a baby! I was up at 5 this morning, drove to Columbia (2 hours) for a seminar, drove back, picked up Caitlin, fed her, bathed her and now I have to wash things, prep things, and possibly I should shower...
I'm going to fall over!
Quick note: I like working, I'm just tired and whiney tonight.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Job

Well, I haven't blogged for awhile and that is because I have officially returned to work. Once I get home from work, I have too many chores and am too tired to get on the computer, so from now on expect a post once a week. I now work full time as a part of the Charleston Apartment Guide team. Need an apartment?
There it is! Job security!

I love my new job! The team I work with are full of high energy and I'm kept busy all day. Time goes by so fast. As to what I do exactly...a whole bunch of "stuff". It's really a variety of things from public relations and administrative to attending conventions and working with budgets and accounting. Lots of various duties. LOVE IT! I do miss Caitlin a TON, but I figure this is for the best. Perhaps in part to daycare she has finally learned to crawl!!! Hooray Caitlin!

With having a new job I can now buy things. I bought Caitlin her first pair of shoes. I don't think she likes them as of yet. She likes chewing on the laces?!

Lastly, we went to the SC Aquarium yesterday. We're annual members, so it gives us something fun to do on the weekend. She loves looking at the fish. I think she'll be a SCUBA diver like her daddy. I also dive, but nowhere near Steve's level.

Speaking of Steve, he won another award. This time for a marinade he created. I believe the award is called "The Hot Pepper Award." Go Steve!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Until next Saturday.....